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Loveland veterans Pearl Harbor Day marking

Loveland City Councilor Steve Olson honors Pearl Harbor Day, warns of current threats to American freedom in viral speech.

Loveland City Councilor and retired Navy Capt. Steve Olson spoke at Loveland's Pearl Harbor Day ceremony, emphasizing the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by U.S. servicemen and women on December 7, 1941. Olson believes that honoring these sacrifices is a way to ensure that they were not made in vain, passing the baton to future generations and teaching them the necessity of fighting for freedom.

The event took place at Dwayne Webster Veterans Park and was hosted by Navy veteran Tony DuMosch and the Associated Veterans of Loveland. Despite gusty winds, around 40 people attended the solemn gathering to pay their respects.

Olson enlisted in the Navy in 1966 and served in Vietnam with the First Marine Division before pursuing a career as a naval healthcare administrator. After 29 years of service, he retired as a captain and fulfilled his dream of living in Colorado.

In his speech, Olson highlighted the American reaction to the Pearl Harbor attack and the bravery of those who served in World War II to preserve freedom. He also warned about current threats to freedom and the dangers of apathy at home, urging people to take action to protect the United States as "the last bastion of freedom."

The ceremony included a candlelight vigil, military honors, and the sounding of Taps, followed by a closing prayer from Chaplain Theresa Windisch. Olson's message resonated with the crowd, emphasizing the importance of remembering the past and taking action to protect freedom for future generations.

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