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Former Ravens TE Hayden Hurst diagnosed with post-traumatic amnesia

Former Baltimore Ravens tight end Hayden Hurst diagnosed with post-traumatic amnesia after concussion, plans to return to play for the Panthers.

Former Baltimore Ravens tight end Hayden Hurst was recently diagnosed with post-traumatic amnesia, according to his father, Jerry Hurst. This diagnosis came after Hayden suffered a concussion during a game between the Bears and Carolina Panthers in early November. Post-traumatic amnesia is the period between a traumatic brain injury and the resumption of normal continuous memory, as defined by the National Institutes of Health.

Despite the diagnosis, Hayden remains optimistic about his recovery and even expressed his intention to play in Week 14 against the New Orleans Saints. He acknowledged the severity of the situation but assured everyone that it is not career-ending. Hayden's determination to return to play is evident, and he has received tremendous support from the Panthers throughout the process.

Hayden Hurst is currently in his first season with the Panthers after being drafted by the Ravens in 2018. Throughout his career, he has accumulated 1,902 receiving yards and 15 touchdowns on 195 receptions, with an average of 9.8 yards per reception. Despite the challenges he is facing, Hayden's resilience and positive attitude are inspiring as he continues his journey towards recovery and a return to the field.

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