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Former Army officer accused killing six injuring police Texas shooting spree

Army officer charged with murder for shooting spree in Texas. 6 dead, 2 injured. Discharged for domestic violence. Inmate at Travis County Jail.

A former Army officer who was discharged for domestic violence has been charged with murder for a shooting spree in Texas, resulting in six deaths. Shane M. James Jr., 34, is accused of killing his parents in San Antonio before driving to Austin, where he killed four more people and injured two police officers and a cyclist. He is currently in custody and faces capital murder charges in Austin, as well as three misdemeanor charges in Bexar County.

James served as an infantry officer with the 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Cavazos, Texas, from February 2013 to August 2015. He was discharged as a first lieutenant due to a domestic incident during his military service. Despite a history of mental health issues, there were no indications that he would commit such a serious crime.

The violent rampage began near San Antonio, where James killed his parents before arriving in Austin. He opened fire on a school police officer and later committed more shootings at different locations in the city. Despite his history of mental health issues, there were no indications that he would commit such a serious crime.

James had a history of domestic violence and mental health issues, which had previously led to his arrest. Despite this, there were no indications that he would commit such a serious crime. He was arrested for domestic violence in 2022 and had a history of mental health incidents, but there was no indication that he would commit such a serious crime.

Bexar County officials have not yet charged James with the deaths of his parents, and Gonzales said he will not face prosecution there until Travis County completes its case against him.

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