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Illegal Aliens Dropped Off Colorado Capitol Busload

Texas Governor Abbott keeps his word, sending buses of illegal aliens to sanctuary cities. Denver received a busload of illegal aliens.

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas continues to send buses of illegal aliens to sanctuary cities, and the most recent arrival was in Denver. A Denver Democrat, state Senator Julie Gonzales, was present when the bus arrived. She led the 40 to 50 illegal aliens into the building to keep them warm while officials planned the next steps for them. The illegal aliens told Gonzales that they came from Eagle Pass, a hot spot for illegal immigration near the Texas border with Mexico. Denver Mayor Mike Johnston's deputy chief of staff, Evan Dreyer, confirmed that the details of the bus trip matched other buses arriving from Texas.

The state of Texas, through the governor's office, has contracted with two or three different bus companies to transport migrants out of Texas to various locations around the country, including Denver. Denver has received more than 200 charter buses direct from Texas over the last six months. The illegal aliens were sent to a municipal office a few blocks away from the Capitol building. They told state Senator Gonzales that they were from Venezuela. More than 29,000 illegal aliens, mostly from Venezuela, have arrived in Colorado since December 2022. Venezuelans comprise a large demographic of illegal immigrants and have overwhelmed border towns in Texas.

City officials have asked that the buses take the illegal aliens to a city intake center, but those requests have been ignored. The buses arrive at city and county buildings to drop off those onboard. The busload on Monday was the first one to stop at the state Capitol. The illegal border crossers don't go to legal ports of entry, making the jobs of Border Patrol go smoothly. While Gonzales praised Denver officials as they work to help the illegal aliens who have arrived in recent months, Dreyer complained that the illegal aliens arrive without coordinating with the city officials and don't have cold-weather clothes. When they arrived Monday morning, the temperature was in the 40s.

The open border created by Joe Biden on the first day of his administration has led to a humanitarian crisis and a national security crisis along the southern border. He created the welcoming environment for illegal immigrants to enter the United States, and most of them have been allowed to remain. Governor Abbott began sending illegal aliens to the cities of their choice to ease the overwhelming overcrowding in Texas. No one said a peep as long as the illegal aliens remained in Texas. Let Texas (and Arizona) deal with it was the attitude. No mas. Abbott put the Operation Lone Star initiative in place to counter the Biden border crisis in March 2021, as it became clear that the crisis was only getting worse. Texas taxpayers pay for Operation Lone Star. Cry harder, sanctuary cities.

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