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Watch SNL roast George Santos after removal from Congress

"SNL roasts expelled Rep. George Santos for Botox scandal, announces upcoming film. Santos denies charges, claims America hates Latina queens."

After former Rep. George Santos was expelled from Congress for alleged ethics violations, including misusing donor funds for Botox treatments, Saturday Night Live wasted no time in poking fun at him.

The show started with a skit featuring Santos, played by Bowen Yang, holding a news conference on the steps of the US Capitol. "I'm being assaulted," Yang said, in reference to the real New York congressman's claim of being "bullied" by his colleagues in the House. "But what else is new?" Yang added. "America hates to see a Latina queen winning. Since the day I was elected, it's been a witch hunt, but if I'm guilty of anything it's for loving too much, slash fraud."

A House Ethics Committee report accused Santos of spending campaign funds on Botox, OnlyFans, a skincare spa, and other unrelated expenses. Santos is facing criminal charges for fraud, including allegations of a fake donor scheme and identity theft. Before he was even sworn into Congress in January, he was caught lying about his resume and background.

After leaving Congress, SNL's Yang acknowledged that Santos could no longer claim the title of lawmaker. "I'm just regular, old Professor Major General Reverend Astronaut Santos, protector of the realm, princess of Genovia," Yang quipped. "To hell with Congress! I don't need them anyway, because my new movie opened this weekend. It's called Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé."

While Santos has not directed a film, one is on the way. Deadline reported that HBO has optioned the rights to journalist Mark Chiusano's new book about the lying former congressman, and the film, now in development, will be a "darkly comic" look at Santos, produced by Frank Rich, the executive producer behind Veep and Succession. So while Santos' escapades in Congress might finally be over, don't throw out that popcorn.

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