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Kiss music hologram bandmates live gigs Meath Chronicle

Kiss achieves music immortality with hologram bandmates for live gigs, marking the first time a band has become a permanent holographic version.

Kiss has solidified their place in music history with the introduction of hologram bandmates for live performances. The iconic rock band played their final live gig in New York, revealing that their legacy will continue in digital form. During the encore of their show at Madison Square Garden, band members Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Tommy Thayer, and Eric Singer left the stage, only to be replaced by digital avatars of themselves. This groundbreaking technology, created by Industrial Light & Magic, allows the band to live on in a larger-than-life form, ensuring that their music will be immortalized for generations to come.

Paul Stanley expressed his excitement about the band's transition to music immortality, emphasizing that their music will live on forever, regardless of their own aging. The avatars, known as Demon, the Starchild, Catman, and Spaceman, are depicted as superhero versions of the band, further enhancing their larger-than-life presence. This move marks the first time a US band has become a permanent, licensed version of intellectual property, allowing Kiss to continue their musical legacy in a digital form.

The technology also opens up new possibilities for the band, allowing them to perform in multiple cities on the same night across different continents. This innovative approach to live performances has the potential to revolutionize the music industry, providing fans with the opportunity to experience Kiss's music in a whole new way. With this groundbreaking development, Kiss has secured their place in music history, ensuring that their music will continue to resonate with audiences around the world for eternity.

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