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Kevin Durant climbs into top 10 in NBA scoring fueled by historical performance

Kevin Durant of the Phoenix Suns became the 10th leading scorer in NBA history, passing Moses Malone, and is now at 27,423 points.

Phoenix Suns forward Kevin Durant achieved a significant milestone in his career by becoming the 10th leading scorer in NBA history. During the game, Durant scored 30 points, with a driving layup marking his 27,423rd point in the regular season. He surpassed Moses Malone, acknowledging Malone's contributions to the league. Durant emphasized the importance of understanding NBA history and the players who paved the way for current athletes. He expressed his gratitude for being mentioned alongside the greats and acknowledged the work and preparation it took to reach this point in his career. Durant's journey reflects his dedication to the game and the people who supported him. With a career "true" shooting percentage of 61.9 percent, Durant's impact on the league is undeniable. He remains focused on playing the game he loves and expressed his appreciation for those who invested in him.

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