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The Slatest Dec. 1: Heartbreak Golden Bachelor Finale

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The highly anticipated finale of The Golden Bachelor has left Slate editor-in-chief Hillary Frey reeling. The decision made by the bachelor, Gerry Turner, was not surprising, but the aftermath was brutal. Frey writes of her nightmares after hearing Leslie sob about never being chosen, not only on the show but ever. Despite not winning Gerry's heart, Frey argues that Leslie comes away from the show as the real winner.

In case you missed it, Ann McDaniel shares her story of creating a beautiful life in her 60s without a partner, providing a counterpoint to a show where older women compete to find a partner. Additionally, Michelle Herman explores what the show got right about life in your 60s and 70s.

George Santos, who recently challenged his fellow members of Congress to "put up or shut up" on the question of expelling him, has been expelled from office. Ben Mathis-Lilley has all the details, and Luke Winkie shares his thoughts on Santos' departure.

Meanwhile, Winkie and Heather Schwedel speculate on Santos' next act, and Alexander Sammon explains why Democrats may regret making it their mission to get rid of the congressman.

You may have heard by now that Henry Kissinger has passed away. Luke Winkie takes a look at how Kissinger became Gen Z's public enemy No. 1, while Nitish Pahwa speaks to Jacobin editors about their book on Kissinger's death and how he should be remembered. Fred Kaplan also revisits Kissinger's bloody legacy and its impact on America's reputation around the world.

In a powerful piece, Mark Joseph Stern explains how Kissinger took all the wrong lessons away from the Holocaust, despite being among those who liberated the concentration camp that held Stern's grandfather.

The recent passing of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor at age 93 has left a lasting impact. Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern reflect on her legacy and how her conservative successors have demolished it.

Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom debated last night, and Alexander Sammon breaks down what went wrong for DeSantis, despite the odds being in his favor.

Some say Natalie Portman can't act, but after rewatching her movies, Sam Adams thinks it's something else.

And finally, have a great weekend, and we'll see you back here on Monday.

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