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Felicity Huffman speaks college-admission scandal, women's rehab group

Felicity Huffman opens up about her involvement in the college admissions scandal and shares how she's giving back.

Felicity Huffman, the famous actress, has opened up about her involvement in a scandal that rocked the nation and led to her serving time in prison. Huffman admits that she paid $15,000 to have her daughter's SAT scores falsified in an effort to secure her future. In an exclusive interview, she recalls the anxiety and second thoughts she had on the day of the test, but ultimately went through with it, leading to her arrest and subsequent guilty plea.

Huffman was one of 33 wealthy parents who faced federal charges in Operation Varsity Blues, a scandal involving fraud and bribery to get their kids into top colleges. The college-admission consultant at the center of the scheme, Rick Singer, cooperated with investigators, leading to the arrest and sentencing of many of the parents involved.

Huffman served 11 days in prison, paid a fine, and performed community service as part of her sentence. She has since apologized for her actions and is now using her experience to bring attention to the organization A New Way of Life, which helps formerly incarcerated women get back on their feet. Huffman did her court-ordered community service with the organization and has since joined its board of directors.

Despite the scandal, Huffman's daughter retook the SAT and was accepted into Carnegie Mellon University's drama program. Huffman's experience has led her to advocate for A New Way of Life and to shine a light on the work the organization does to heal communities and families.

With the holidays approaching, A New Way of Life is seeking donations to support its work. If you would like to contribute, you can find their site here.

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