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Add Candy Cane Lane to your Christmas favorites list

Eddie Murphy and Tracee Ellis Ross star in "Candy Cane Lane," a fun-filled Christmas movie with a competitive display contest.

Reginald Hudlin's "Candy Cane Lane" may not reach the same iconic status as "It's a Wonderful Life," but it brings an enjoyable, imaginative, and festive Christmas story to the screen, featuring the talents of Eddie Murphy and Tracee Ellis Ross. The film follows the Carver family, who reside on Candy Cane Lane and find themselves in a spirited competition to create the best Christmas display in the neighborhood.

The storyline delves into the family dynamics as parents Chris and Carol Carver navigate their children's aspirations and interests. The Carvers hope to see their daughter Joy attend USC, while she has her sights set on Notre Dame. Meanwhile, their son Nick's passion for music, particularly the tuba, leaves them uncertain of his path.

Chris Carver, true to his name, crafts handmade decorations for their front yard, contrasting with their neighbor Bruce's preference for oversized inflatable Christmas figures. The plot takes an intriguing turn when Chris, recently laid off, and his daughter Holly stumble upon a peculiar pop-up shop called "Kringle's," where they encounter a quirky salesperson named Pepper.

As the story unfolds, the characters, including a rogue elf named Pepper and a tiny Christmas figure named Pip, come to life, adding a whimsical and magical element to the narrative. The stakes are raised when the family enters a Christmas display contest with a substantial cash prize, but they must also contend with a time-sensitive challenge to avoid being transformed into tiny figures themselves.

The film's attention to detail and the intricacies of the characters' lives, along with the playful references to popular culture, contribute to its charm. While "Candy Cane Lane" may not become a classic, it succeeds in delivering an entertaining and heartwarming holiday tale. The performances of Murphy, Ross, and Bell, along with the creative direction and production, elevate the film and make it an enjoyable watch for the holiday season.

Ultimately, "Candy Cane Lane" offers a lighthearted and engaging story with a touch of magic, making it a worthwhile addition to the Christmas movie lineup. Whether it's the family dynamics, the whimsical elements, or the comedic moments, the film has something to offer for viewers seeking a festive and entertaining experience. Just be mindful of the off-color and suggestive language included in the film.

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