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President Biden Reelection Campaign: Gun Control Push

President Biden's reelection campaign is pushing for radical gun control, defying Congress, and scaring voters with unsubstantiated claims about firearm access.

President Joe Biden's campaign is gearing up for the upcoming election, with a focus on gun control as a central issue. The Biden-Harris reelection campaign is working to spread the message that President Biden will prioritize implementing radical gun control measures if elected for a second term. This includes plans to ban the Modern Sporting Rifle (MSR), which is the most popular-selling centerfire rifle in the United States. The administration has made it clear that they will take unilateral action if Congress does not support their efforts.

White House officials are emphasizing bipartisan efforts but have also indicated their willingness to proceed without Congress if necessary. President Biden has shown a disregard for the opinions of American citizens on the issue of gun control, despite the fact that a majority of Americans live in gun-owning households for the first time. The administration is relying on support from special interest groups and donors who have contributed to their campaign.

The president has repeatedly called for Congress to re-enact the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, despite evidence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicating that the ban had no significant impact on reducing crime. President Biden has also made statements questioning the need for assault weapons and has hinted at using military force against U.S. citizens.

The administration's attacks on the firearm industry have been a central focus, with actions such as halting U.S. firearm exports and implementing a "zero-tolerance" policy through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have promised to use the ATF to push their gun control agenda, leading to legal challenges against their actions.

The Biden-Harris campaign has also engaged in scaremongering tactics, circulating a memo titled "Trump's America in 2025: More Guns, More Shootings, More Deaths." They have created an Office of Gun Violence Prevention stacked with gun control lobbyists and have used fear tactics to rally support for their agenda.

The administration's approach to gun control has been met with resistance, with legal challenges and opposition from those who believe it infringes on Constitutional rights. The upcoming election will be a critical opportunity for citizens to have their voices heard and to prevent the implementation of these measures.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is the trade association for the firearm industry, working to promote, protect, and preserve hunting and shooting sports. NSSF has a membership of thousands of manufacturers, distributors, retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations, and publishers nationwide. For more information, visit

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