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Thor Ragnarok Director Taika Waititi Explains Why He Took An MCU Job

Taika Waititi initially had no interest in directing a Thor film and only took the job for the money.

Taika Waititi was initially reluctant to direct a Thor film, as he had no interest in the character and only took the job for the money to support his family. Despite not being a fan of Thor comics as a child, Waititi did research on the character before taking on the directing role for Thor: Ragnarok. He explained his decision in an interview, stating that he was poor and needed to provide for his family, and saw the opportunity to do so by directing a film in what he considered to be the least popular franchise in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Despite his initial reluctance, Waititi's work on Thor: Ragnarok was critically acclaimed and led to him being hired to direct the upcoming Thor: Love & Thunder. This departure from the previous tone of Thor films was a significant factor in his success, as he brought a fresh and unique perspective to the franchise. Despite his initial reservations, Waititi's work on the Thor films has been highly influential and has contributed to the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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