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Michigan WR Roman Wilson apparent dig Marvin Harrison Jr Ohio State tough

Michigan's Roman Wilson throws shade at Ohio State's top receiver after Wolverines' win, calling Buckeyes "not tough" in postgame remarks.

Michigan Wolverines wide receiver Roman Wilson didn't hold back in expressing his feelings about the toughness of their rivals, the Ohio State Buckeyes, after their 30-24 victory in the rivalry game. Wilson made it clear that he believed the Wolverines were the tougher team and even threw some apparent shade at Ohio State's star wide receiver, Marvin Harrison Jr., during the postgame press conference.

Wilson emphasized the importance of physicality and toughness, suggesting that some of the Ohio State players may not live up to their tough image. Although he didn't mention Harrison by name, it was evident that his comments were directed at the standout receiver, who had been seen wearing luxury items like an Apple Watch and Louis Vuitton cleats in previous games.

Despite Harrison's impressive performance in the game, including 118 receiving yards and a touchdown, it was his involvement in a late interception that sealed the victory for the Wolverines. As a result, Michigan secured their first three-game winning streak in the rivalry series with Ohio State in over two decades and now looks ahead to the Big Ten Championship Game.

The win puts Michigan in a strong position for a potential third straight College Football Playoff berth, while Ohio State's playoff hopes may depend on external factors. With both teams eyeing postseason success, Wilson's comments have added an extra layer of intensity to an already fierce rivalry.

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