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Djokovic criticizes British fans for disrespect during Davis Cup win | Sports Games

Novak Djokovic accuses British fans of disrespect during Davis Cup match, but remains motivated to end the year strong with Serbia.

Novak Djokovic, the 36-year-old world number one, expressed his desire to end the year by helping Serbia with the Davis Cup, despite feeling fatigued after a long season. He emphasized that playing for his country always provides him with extra motivation and a push. However, during Serbia's Davis Cup quarter-final victory in Malaga, Djokovic accused British fans of disrespect, claiming that some fans had attempted to annoy him during his match against Cameron Norrie. He even confronted them during his post-match interview, expressing his discontent with their behavior.

Djokovic acknowledged that such behavior is something that players must be prepared for in the Davis Cup, as fans may sometimes step over the line in the heat of the moment. Despite feeling worn out from the long season, Djokovic remains focused on his commitment to representing his country on the court. He admitted that while part of him looks forward to rest and recalibration, he cannot allow himself to entertain thoughts of holidays at the moment.

Looking ahead, Serbia will face Italy in the semi-finals on Saturday. Djokovic's determination to continue competing for his country despite feeling fatigued showcases his unwavering dedication to the sport and his team.

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