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49ers OL Bartch creates infamous turducken-like smoothie

Thanksgiving tradition meets NFL with the iconic turducken and a bizarre smoothie recipe that helped an offensive lineman bulk up.

Thanksgiving is a time for football, food, and the iconic turducken, made famous by the late John Madden. This unique dish consists of a deboned chicken stuffed into a deboned duck, which is then stuffed into a deboned turkey, creating a truly bizarre combination of flavors.

In keeping with the Thanksgiving spirit, Ben Bartch, a recently signed offensive lineman for the 49ers, famously created his own version of the turducken - a smoothie that helped him gain weight during his college days. Bartch's daily smoothie recipe included grits, bananas, peanut butter, scrambled eggs, and a healthy dose of Gatorade.

This unconventional concoction allowed Bartch to put on the necessary weight to successfully transition from tight end to offensive line. His success at St. John's University in Minnesota led to him being selected by the Jacksonville Jaguars in the fourth round of the 2020 NFL Draft.

In addition to his smoothie skills, Bartch also brings a wealth of NFL experience to San Francisco, with 20 starts over four seasons in the league. As the 49ers' interior offensive line depth is tested during the 2023 season, Bartch's arrival provides much-needed reassurance and confidence in the event of injuries to the front-line starters. His creative approach to bulking up may also offer alternative solutions for the team.

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