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CEO Main Super PAC Backing Ron DeSantis Resigns Evening Before Thanksgiving - Great Sign for Campaign

Iowa conservative endorses DeSantis for 2024 presidential bid, but he still lags behind Trump in national and statewide polling.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, once considered a top conservative contender in the 2024 Republican presidential primaries, has faced a series of setbacks in his quest for the White House. Despite his efforts, he has struggled to gain momentum amid the continued influence of former President Donald Trump within the GOP.

The latest blow to DeSantis came when Chris Jankowski, the CEO of the DeSantis-affiliated super PAC Never Back Down, resigned from his position. This development coincided with the creation of a new outside group supporting DeSantis' presidential bid, as well as complaints from the governor and his wife about ads targeting former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley over China.

The timing of these events, just before Thanksgiving, has raised concerns among conservative donors, who are now considering rallying behind Haley as a potential alternative to Trump in the upcoming primaries.

Despite these challenges, DeSantis did receive a significant endorsement in Iowa from Bob Vander Plaats, a prominent conservative leader with influence among evangelical Christians in the state. This endorsement is a significant victory for DeSantis, but he still lags behind Trump in national and statewide polling in early nominating states.

DeSantis is working tirelessly to reverse this trend and gain ground in the polls, but he faces an uphill battle in his efforts to position himself as a viable alternative to Trump in the 2024 Republican primaries.

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