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Inspirational stars Michael J Fox, Jeff Bridges, and others remain hopeful amid major health crises

Celebrities including Michael J. Fox, Jeff Bridges, Sam Neill, and Shannen Doherty share their battles with cancer and health crises.

Hollywood stars are facing health challenges, but they continue to share their inspiring journeys. Michael J. Fox has battled Parkinson's disease for over three decades, finding strength in positivity and faith. He has dedicated himself to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, raising over $2 billion for Parkinson's research. Jeff Bridges, diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2020, credited his wife for helping him through his near-fatal experience. Sam Neill assured fans he's in remission after a bout with aggressive cancer, emphasizing that there's nothing to worry about. Shannen Doherty, battling stage 4 breast cancer, remains resilient and has received support from fans and celebrity friends. Despite their health challenges, these stars continue to inspire and offer hope to others.

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