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Don James, Rolling Stones concert, Kent State football history: How one event shifted the course

Fred Blosser was a great Kent State center. He played under Don James, who transformed the program. Bob Bender's mysterious disappearance is intriguing.

Fred Blosser, a former Kent State center, had a long and successful career in football, but many people forgot about his accomplishments due to his years spent in a necktie. He later became a superintendent in several school districts, where he was known for his intelligence, toughness, and determination. During his time at Kent State, Blosser was a little wary of Bob Bender, who was a tough middle linebacker. After head coach Dave Puddington resigned, Don James took over the team. James had a similar persona and appearance to Coach Norman Dale from the movie "Hoosiers."

At Kent State, James was known for closely monitoring practices and holding players accountable for their actions and attitudes. He brought a new level of intensity to the team, which some players struggled to adapt to. Bob Bender, a standout player, was known for his toughness and intensity, which was evident during spring practice. However, he mysteriously disappeared before a spring game, leaving his teammates and coaches puzzled.

Nick Saban, who played for Kent State at the time, shared a story about how Bender became a bodyguard for Mick Jagger. While the details of Bender's disappearance remain unclear, it is known that he went on to have a successful career in security. Despite Bender's absence, the team continued to train and prepare for the upcoming season.

During his time at Kent State, Blosser faced off against Jack Lambert, who would later become a Pittsburgh Steelers icon and Pro Football Hall of Famer. Lambert's intense playing style made him a formidable opponent, and his transition to middle linebacker brought a new level of competition to the team.

Under James' leadership, Kent State faced a challenging season, but the coach's positive approach and determination helped the team navigate the difficult circumstances. Despite the struggles, James was focused on maximizing the team's potential and creating value for the players' future. His ability to turn negative situations into positive outcomes was evident in his coaching style.

Blosser's time at Kent State came to an end after the 1971 season, but he credits Don James for the team's growth and success. James' impact on the team was significant, and his ability to create a positive environment during difficult times left a lasting impression on the players. Despite the challenges, Kent State continued to push forward under James' leadership.

Don James' journey from growing up near Massillon to winning a national championship at Washington was filled with challenges, but his time at Kent State laid the foundation for his successful coaching career. His ability to overcome adversity and lead his team with determination and positivity set the stage for his future accomplishments.

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