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Carolina Panthers offensive line team scoring struggles

Carolina Panthers head coach Frank Reich is positive about his team's offensive line despite a tough loss, but fans are skeptical.

Carolina Panthers head coach Frank Reich expressed unwavering confidence in his offensive line despite the team's 33-10 loss on Sunday. He emphasized that the unit "dominated at the line of scrimmage" and showcased "a lot of good stuff against a very good team."

Reich's optimism extended into Monday as he reviewed the game tape. He commended the offensive line's performance in different personnel formations and various scheme runs. Despite the team's struggles, Reich identified the run game's effectiveness as a foundation to build on.

However, Panthers fans may have been skeptical of Reich's positive remarks. While the team achieved success in rushing, the offensive line faced significant challenges in pass protection during Week 11. Despite paving the way for 110 rushing yards, the unit allowed seven sacks and six tackles for loss. Rookie quarterback Bryce Young was under constant pressure, impeding his performance.

Even former Panthers player and Fox Sports analyst, Greg Olsen, acknowledged the challenges faced by the offensive line. He expressed concerns about the team's ability to protect the quarterback effectively, particularly given Young's struggles during the game.

Reich addressed Young's difficulties during the postgame press conference, highlighting the impact of the offensive line's performance on the quarterback's confidence and health. He emphasized the need for improvement among players and coaches.

The offensive line's struggles are not new, as the unit has faced challenges throughout the season. Despite high expectations during the offseason, the Panthers' offensive line has encountered difficulties, impacting the team's overall performance. Injuries and inconsistent play have contributed to the unit's struggles, with quarterback protection becoming a significant concern.

Reich remains optimistic about the offensive line's potential, emphasizing the need to translate the unit's progress in the run game to pass protection. He expressed confidence in the group's ability to improve and emphasized the collective responsibility of players and coaches to address the challenges faced by the offensive line.

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