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Snoop Dogg quitting weed, Martha Stewart Thanksgiving cancelation: Has the sky fallen?

Snoop Dogg gives up weed and Martha Stewart cancels Thanksgiving. The iconic duo continues to collaborate with limited edition crossbody bags.

Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart have both made surprising announcements recently, leaving fans wondering what's next for the unlikely duo. Snoop, known for his love of marijuana, has revealed that he is giving up smoking, while Stewart has canceled her Thanksgiving plans, opting to visit friends instead. This news has sparked speculation about what the future holds for the pair.

Snoop's decision to give up smoking comes after years of publicly embracing his love for marijuana. He shared the news on social media, asking for privacy during this time of transition. This announcement has led many to wonder if Snoop has something new in the works, such as a potential business venture in the world of edibles, given his history of branching out into various industries.

Meanwhile, Stewart's decision to forgo hosting Thanksgiving dinner has left many surprised, especially considering her reputation as a culinary expert. She explained that several of her guests had canceled, leading her to change her plans and visit friends instead. It's possible that Snoop's house could be one of her stops, as the two have been close friends for over 15 years and continue to collaborate on various projects.

Their recent collaboration on a collection of limited-edition crossbody bags called "Best Bud Bags" has been a hit, selling out quickly. This has led to speculation that fashion could be the focus of their future collaborations, as both Snoop and Stewart have made surprising moves that deviate from their typical endeavors.

The unexpected nature of these announcements has left fans intrigued about what the future holds for Snoop and Stewart. Whether it's a new business venture, a shift in focus towards fashion, or simply a desire for a change of pace, it's clear that these two icons are keeping everyone on their toes.

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