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Adam Johnson death: Matt Petgrave released on bail, charged with manslaughter of ex-Penguins player

Former AHL player arrested on suspicion of manslaughter after former Pittsburgh Penguins forward Adam Johnson died from a skate cut.

The South Yorkshire Police made a significant announcement on Tuesday regarding the arrest of a suspect in connection with the tragic death of former Pittsburgh Penguins forward Adam Johnson. The suspect, former AHL player Matt Petgrave, was taken into custody on suspicion of manslaughter but has since been released on bail, as reported by

The incident occurred during the Panthers' game against the Sheffield Steelers when Petgrave's skate accidentally cut Johnson in the neck after a collision. Despite receiving immediate medical attention on the ice and being rushed to a nearby hospital, Johnson, 29, tragically passed away.

Detective Chief Superintendent Becs Horsfall issued a statement earlier this week regarding the arrest, emphasizing the extensive nature of the investigation. While not explicitly naming Petgrave, Horsfall mentioned consulting with "highly specialized experts" throughout the inquiry. Additionally, the police have been collaborating with the health and safety department at Sheffield City Council to support their ongoing investigation.

The Nottingham Panthers, in response to Johnson's passing, described the incident as a "freak accident," acknowledging the shockwaves it sent through the NHL community. In the wake of this tragedy, players have begun experimenting with neck protection during practices and games, prompting the NHL and NHLPA to work together on enhancing player safety and preventing blade cuts in the future. This devastating event has prompted a collective effort to improve safety measures and protect players from similar incidents.

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