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Bobbi Storm Delta flight incident: Who is she and why she almost got kicked off?

Gospel singer Bobbi Storm almost got kicked off a Delta flight after loudly talking to passengers and almost singing.

Gospel singer Bobbi Storm had a tense encounter with a Delta Airlines flight attendant in 2023, nearly getting kicked off the plane. Storm posted footage of the incident on TikTok and Instagram, showing her standing in the aisle and informing passengers of her Grammy nomination. The flight attendant asked her to sit down, but Storm insisted she wasn't disturbing anyone and eventually complied. However, she continued to speak loudly and offered to sing for the other passengers. The flight attendant confronted her, and after some awkward back-and-forth, Storm sang her new song at a lower volume. Delta Airlines reportedly reached out to Storm, and she expressed that she didn't want the flight attendant to lose his job but hoped he learned a valuable lesson. The incident sparked mixed reactions, with some criticizing Storm's behavior as entitled. Despite the controversy, Storm's work with the gospel music collective, Maverick City Music, received two Grammy nominations in 2024. While she is not individually nominated, her project, "The Maverick Way," is recognized in the Best Gospel Album and Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song categories.

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