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Billie Eilish: Didn't Want People to Have Access to Her Body Early in Her Career

Billie Eilish opens up about her insecurities with her body image and feeling undesirable as a woman in new interview.

In a recent interview for Variety's The Power of Women issue, Billie Eilish opened up about her struggles with body image and insecurities. The Grammy winner, who rose to fame at just 13 years old, revealed that she initially concealed her body in baggy clothing due to her own insecurities and lack of confidence in herself.

Eilish explained that she was not trying to avoid being sexualized, but rather she did not feel strong or secure enough to reveal her body to the public. She admitted that she has never felt desirable or feminine, and has had to convince herself that she is a "pretty girl." Even though she identifies as "she/her," she confessed that she has never truly felt like a woman.

The 21-year-old singer also addressed the media's scrutiny of her body after she transitioned from her signature baggy style to a more form-fitting look in 2020. She candidly discussed her large breasts, which she has had since a young age, and expressed frustration at the criticism she received for embracing her own body.

Eilish called out the double standard between men and women's bodies, highlighting the lack of criticism towards men's bodies compared to the scrutiny women face. She emphasized that women are often judged for their appearance, while men's bodies are accepted in a variety of forms.

Overall, Billie Eilish's interview sheds light on the challenges she has faced in navigating her public image and the pressures placed on women in the entertainment industry. Her honesty and vulnerability in discussing her insecurities serve as a reminder of the importance of self-acceptance and the need to challenge societal standards of beauty and femininity.

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