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Former Fashion Mogul Peter Nygard Convicted Of Sexual Assault - Conservative Angle

82-year-old transhumanist faces up to 40 years in prison for sexual assault. Former fashion mogul Peter Nygard has more trials ahead.

Fashion mogul Peter Nygard, the founder of Nygard International, was found guilty of four counts of sexual assault by a Toronto jury. The case involved five victims, aged 16 to 28, and took place between the 1980s and 2005. Nygard, who once led a billion-dollar fashion empire, now faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison for each of these convictions. His sentencing is expected later this month in Toronto.

This conviction comes after years of ongoing cases accusing Nygard of using his power and influence to sexually abuse young women and teenage girls. Canadian prosecutors accused Nygard of luring women to his private office suite under the guise of job interviews or building tours. He claimed short-term memory loss throughout the trial, insisting he did not recognize all but one of the victims and claiming records that may have helped him recall the time periods in question were destroyed in a fire and a hacking incident.

Nygard has faced sexual abuse allegations dating back to 1968 when a sex crime charge filed by Winnipeg police against him was dropped. The FBI has investigated him at least three times since 2015 over allegations he ran a sex trafficking ring. He stepped down from Nygard International in 2020 amid an FBI probe, and the company filed for bankruptcy a month later.

Nygard's son Kai Bickle has detailed his father's history of sex abuse, calling him a "systematic monster." Nygard will also be tried on sex crimes charges in Montreal and Winnipeg next year and is set to be extradited to New York to face a nine-count federal indictment on sex trafficking, racketeering, and conspiracy.

In addition to these accusations, Nygard was also known to have a fascination with transhumanism. He was on video with his former business partner Steve Powers talking about a company they created to replace DNA from white people inside the nucleus of eggs from African women to create a genetically pure race. Nygard also described how he wanted these black women to have abortions so he could use the fetal stem cells for "age-defying research."

Similarly, deceased billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, in addition to his Caribbean island estate, also had a sprawling mansion in New Mexico he called "Zorro Ranch" which he planned to use as a human breeding farm with the aim of "seeding" the human race with his DNA.

On multiple occasions starting in the early 2000s, Mr. Epstein told scientists and businessmen about his ambitions to use his New Mexico ranch as a base where women would be inseminated with his sperm and would give birth to his babies. Like Epstein, Nygard was also pals with Prince Andrew, who toured his Bahamas estate in 2000, and rubbed shoulders with political leaders and Hollywood celebrities -- even dining with the late Queen Elizabeth.

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