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Cam Reddish Lakers Atmosphere Instilled Confidence

Cam Reddish's recent performances have helped the Lakers win, and he's grateful for the support from LeBron James and his teammates.

Los Angeles Lakers forward Cam Reddish has been on fire in the last two games, helping the team secure victories against the Phoenix Suns and the Portland Trail Blazers. His move to the starting lineup seems to have given him a significant boost after missing a potential game-winning shot off a pass from LeBron James in the previous game against the Miami Heat.

In his two games as a starter, Reddish has put up impressive numbers, scoring a combined 35 points, grabbing 10 rebounds, and making six steals while shooting 12-for-20 from the field. It's the first time in almost five years that he has shown the potential that led to him being drafted in the lottery and being sought after by multiple teams.

Reddish credits his readiness for this opportunity to the encouragement he received from LeBron James. After missing the shot in the previous game, he apologized to James, who reassured him and told him to be ready for the next opportunity. Reddish took this advice to heart and continued to prepare himself before the games, maintaining his routine and staying focused. His teammates have also shown their belief in him, creating an atmosphere that he has not experienced in his NBA career so far.

This supportive and team-first environment has been a game-changer for Reddish, who believes that the higher expectations and the team's goal of winning have contributed to this positive change. He feels that this environment is different from what he has experienced with his previous teams, where there was less focus on winning and achieving goals.

Reddish's fit with the Lakers seems to be a perfect match, and his contributions have been crucial in helping the team navigate through a period marked by injuries. The praise and confidence from LeBron James, as well as the Lakers' faith in him, have boosted Reddish's confidence from game to game. He attributes his success to staying ready and shooting with confidence, especially after receiving encouragement from James.

Overall, Reddish's performance in the last two games has been a testament to his talent and the impact of a supportive and goal-oriented environment. As he continues to work hard and stay prepared, it's clear that he is an essential asset to the Lakers and their pursuit of success.

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