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Arkansas head coach Sam Pittman reacts to losing to Auburn

Arkansas head coach Sam Pittman addresses the press after a crushing loss to Auburn, acknowledging his team's poor performance.

Arkansas head coach Sam Pittman addressed the media following a tough 48-10 loss to Auburn on Saturday. Pittman expressed disappointment in his team's performance, admitting that they were outplayed in every aspect of the game. He credited Auburn for their exceptional play and acknowledged that his team needs to regroup and figure out what went wrong.

Pittman highlighted the team's struggles with defense, particularly in handling the edge and tackling. He emphasized the need for better protection and the inability to run the ball effectively. He also acknowledged the team's poor performance on third downs, attributing it to a lack of physicality and dominance from the opposing team.

Despite the disappointing loss, Pittman remained confident in his team's abilities and was not concerned about his job security. He also explained his decision to switch quarterbacks during the game, citing the need to protect his players and give others an opportunity to showcase their skills.

Pittman acknowledged the disappointment of the home crowd and expressed a commitment to improving the team's performance in future games. He also addressed concerns about injuries to key players and emphasized the team's need to stay focused and motivated despite the absence of bowl prospects.

In conclusion, Pittman expressed his determination to rally his team and prepare them for the upcoming game against Florida International. He emphasized the importance of staying engaged and motivated, despite the challenges they faced in their previous game. Overall, Pittman remained optimistic about the team's ability to bounce back and deliver a better performance in the future.

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