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Loki Season 2 Episode 6: Post-Credit Scene Explanation

Loki's season 2 finale has fans wondering about post-credits scenes and the possibility of a season 3. Marvel's multiverse saga continues.

Marvel Studios' Loki season 2 has come to an end, leaving fans pondering whether they should stick around for any post-credits scenes. Throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe, mid and post-credit scenes have been used to hint at what's to come, and Loki is no exception. However, despite the first episode of Loki season 2 featuring a post-credits scene, the season finale, episode 6, does not have one. The conclusion of the series firmly establishes Loki's place as the God of Stories, the new He Who Remains, guarding the timelines of the Marvel multiverse.

As for the possibility of a Loki season 3, the way season 2 has wrapped up suggests that there may not be one. The series not only leaves the title character in a powerful position but also completes the arcs of the supporting cast members. It's likely that Loki may not appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe again until the release of Avengers: The Kang Dynasty or even Avengers: Secret Wars, both of which have significant multiverse implications.

Tom Hiddleston reprises his role as Loki, joined by Owen Wilson as Mobius, in a season that continues the story of the Multiverse Saga in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The events of season 1 saw Loki's variant Sylvie unleash the wrath of Kang the Conqueror upon the Multiverse, leading to a new adventure to keep reality from collapsing. Loki was last seen in the post-credits scene of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, indicating that his story is far from over.

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