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Fourth Wing: Colorado's Rebecca Yarros and "Iron Flame" Sequel Take Book World by Storm

Colorado author Rebecca Yarros' "Fourth Wing" and "Iron Flame" are getting a TV series, cementing her status as a global publishing force.

Rebecca Yarros, a successful New York Times best-selling author from Colorado, has made headlines with the announcement of a TV series based on her latest fantasy novel, "Fourth Wing," and its sequel, "Iron Flame." With an impressive 25 weeks on The New York Times best-seller list and an estimated half-million copies sold of "Fourth Wing," Yarros has solidified her position as a force in global publishing. Her work has garnered over 1 billion views on TikTok, showcasing her immense popularity.

Known for her evocative and romantic prose, Yarros is set to expand her Empyrean series with five total books, including "Fourth Wing" and "Iron Flame." Fans and critics praise her intricate plotlines, compelling characters, and meticulous world-building. "Fourth Wing," marketed as adult fantasy, has captivated readers with its dark and alluring scenes, centered around the bookish Violet's attempts to become a dragon rider in the kingdom of Navarre.

Yarros, a military wife, began writing fiction during her husband's deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, and her first novel, "Full Measures," was published in 2014. Her other series include Legacy, Renegades, and In Luv Duet. "Fourth Wing" quickly gained popularity on BookTok, solidifying Yarros as a master of social media presence. "Iron Flame" became the fastest-selling preorder in Waterstones' history, selling out in just seven hours.

The TV adaptation of "Fourth Wing" is in the works, with Amazon and Michael B. Jordan's Outlier Society acquiring the rights to the entire "Fourth Wing"-universe, "The Empyrean" book series. Yarros, based in Colorado Springs, is a non-writing executive producer for the show. Outside of writing, she focuses on her family and the nonprofit organization, One October, which she founded to help foster kids in Colorado Springs.

With her captivating storytelling and immense success, Rebecca Yarros continues to make waves in the literary world, leaving readers eagerly anticipating her next release. For the latest entertainment news, subscribe to our weekly newsletter, In The Know, and stay informed.

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