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Elizabeth Hirschhorn, 'tenant from hell,' threatens fight to return to Los Angeles mansion after 575 days of unpaid rent

Serial squatter Elizabeth Hirschhorn, 55, was finally booted out of a Brentwood mansion after living rent-free for 575 days.

Elizabeth Hirschhorn, a Harvard graduate, has finally been removed from a Brentwood mansion where she had not paid rent for 575 days, as reported exclusively by

Hirschhorn, 55, initially booked a six-month stay in a luxury guesthouse attached to the $3.5 million home in September 2021. However, she refused to vacate the property after the period expired, citing Covid-19 and an allegedly illegally built shower as reasons for her refusal.

When the landlord, Sascha Jovanovic, 61, attempted to evict her, Hirschhorn countersued and demanded $100,000 in 'relocation costs' to move.

After being escorted out of Jovanovic's mansion on Friday by police, Hirschhorn was seen lugging several boxes out to a waiting white van with the help of three male friends. She carried two large colorful tote bags as she left the property.

The LAPD oversaw Hirschhorn's exit from the property, as they were called by Jovanovic after spotting men walking about in his yard, none of whom he recognized.

In an exclusive interview with, Jovanovic expressed relief and being overwhelmed by Hirschhorn's departure, stating, "It was a long time coming but now she is finally out! This weekend is going to be very positive."

Jovanovic's lawyer, Sebastian Rucci, revealed that Hirschhorn's lawyer, Amanda Seward, claimed Hirschhorn's exit was "temporary," despite Jovanovic changing the locks to prevent her from returning.

Hirschhorn has managed to find a new apartment in downtown LA, despite a history of legal battles and unpaid debts. Her new residence is a $3,600-a-month fully furnished suite in an extended stay hotel, boasting a pool, a rooftop tennis court, and a fully equipped fitness center.

Despite the uncertainty over whether Hirschhorn will regain possession of the guesthouse, her legal battle with Jovanovic over $60,000 in unpaid rent will continue. Jovanovic is asking that she be forced to pay all the back rent, but Hirschhorn claims she does not have to pay and should be refunded her initial $19,000 payment for the first six months because the residence is an 'illegal unit'.

Hirschhorn's history of legal disputes includes a case in Oakland, California, where she sublet a room and stayed for 18 months without a tenancy agreement or paying rent. She also had a legal battle with AMEX over a $19,000 bill and a lawsuit against a motion picture literary agent.

In summary, Elizabeth Hirschhorn's eviction from the Brentwood mansion marks the end of a lengthy legal battle with the landlord, Sascha Jovanovic. Despite her departure, the legal disputes between the two parties are far from over, and Hirschhorn's history of legal battles and unpaid debts continues to raise questions about her future residency and financial obligations.

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