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Election Day 2023: Indianapolis mayoral candidates plead case to voters before polls close

"Indianapolis mayor's race expected to end after Election Day voting comes to a close. Hogsett and Shreve compete for position."

After months of campaigning, the Indianapolis mayor's race is finally coming to a close as Election Day voting wraps up. The residents of Indianapolis are faced with a choice between two candidates: incumbent Mayor Joe Hogsett (D) and former City-County councilor Jefferson Shreve (R).

Both candidates have raised record amounts of money for their campaigns, and they recently faced off in a debate hosted by FOX59/CBS4, discussing topics such as public safety, infrastructure, and the reinvention of downtown Indianapolis.

Hogsett, seeking his third term, is glad that the campaign is nearly over, planning to speak with voters across the city on Election Day. He hopes to be reelected so he can "finish the job" and continue serving the people of Indianapolis.

Shreve, on the other hand, believes that the city is in need of change and is encouraging people to vote for what's best for the city, regardless of political party. He and his wife have put their all into the campaign and are excited about the possibility of making a difference in the city.

Both candidates are anticipating high voter turnout and are eager to see the results of the election. Polls are open until 6 p.m., and live results will be available as they come in Tuesday evening. It's up to the residents of Indianapolis to decide who will lead their city into the future.

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