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'Marvel Stuntman Taraja Ramsess and Three Kids Dead in Atlanta Car Crash'

Stuntman Taraja Ramsess and three of his children died in a car accident in Atlanta. Ramsess worked on popular movies such as "Black Panther" and "Avengers: Endgame."

Taraja Ramsess, a talented stuntman known for his work on blockbuster films such as "Black Panther," "Avengers: Infinity War," and "Avengers: Endgame," tragically lost his life along with three of his children in a devastating car accident in Atlanta on Halloween night. The local outlet WSB-TV reported that Ramsess, 41 years old, collided with a tractor-trailer, resulting in the deaths of his two daughters, Sundari (13) and 8-week-old Fujibo. Additionally, his son Kisasi (10), who was placed on life support following the accident, also succumbed to his injuries.

In the wake of this heartbreaking incident, Ramsess' mother, Akili, expressed her grief and paid tribute to her "beautiful, loving, talented" son. She revealed that two of her granddaughters survived the crash, including 3-year-old Shazia, who is currently hospitalized with minor injuries after being ejected from the vehicle. Akili took to Instagram on November 1 to share her heartfelt emotions, writing, "All who knew and met him know how special Taraja was. He had a deep capacity for love and loved his children more than all. He loved his martial arts, motorcycles, and all things related to filmmaking. He had a very droll yet wicked sense of humor and yet could be as cornball corny as can be."

Akili also reflected on the memory of her granddaughters, describing Sundari, affectionately known as Sunny, as a child who radiated a special light and had a great sense of humor and love for dancing. Overwhelmed by the loss, she expressed her disbelief and gratitude for the support and prayers they have received from friends and well-wishers during this difficult time.

Renowned filmmaker Ava DuVernay, who worked with Ramsess at her distribution company, ARRAY, also paid tribute to him after his passing. She described him as "regal" and recalled how he carried himself with the presence of a king. DuVernay shared a series of photos of Ramsess on set, reminiscing about his impact and the profound effect his loss has had on those who knew him. She recounted a moment when they faced a shortage of Black background actors for a crucial scene, and Ramsess willingly stepped in, demonstrating his dedication and willingness to go above and beyond for his craft. This act of selflessness resonated with DuVernay, showcasing the true essence of Ramsess' character.

"He was that kind of person. A leader. A light. Taraja. His name is like music. We will continue to sing it. Bless his soul. Bless his memory. Bless his loved ones and the many comrades he leaves here as he journeys on," DuVernay concluded, encapsulating the profound impact Ramsess had on those around him.

The loss of Taraja Ramsess and his three children is a devastating blow to their family and friends. The world mourns the passing of a talented stuntman who left an indelible mark on the film industry. As we remember him, let us also hold his loved ones in our thoughts and prayers, offering them strength and support during this unimaginably difficult time.

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