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Daylight savings 2023: Standard time change, extra hour starts on Sunday

Efforts to make daylight saving time permanent have stalled in Congress, despite 19 states passing bills to support the change.

Why the Twice-Yearly Clock Changes Are Unlikely to Stop Anytime Soon

Have you ever wondered why we still have to change our clocks twice a year for daylight saving time? Despite efforts in Congress to make daylight saving time permanent, it seems that the practice is here to stay. In fact, these efforts have been stalled since March, leaving us with no immediate change in sight.

Flashback to the 1970s, the last time Congress attempted to make daylight saving time permanent. However, this decision was quickly reversed within a year. The reason? The early morning darkness proved to be dangerous for school children, and public sentiment changed accordingly.

So, when exactly does the time change? Well, on Sunday morning at 2 am, it is officially considered the time to set our clocks back to standard time. However, many people prefer to change the time on their devices before going to bed on Saturday, making the transition seamless.

Despite the setbacks in Congress, there has been a push for permanent daylight saving time. In March, Senator Marco Rubio reintroduced the Sunshine Protection Act, which had previously passed in the Senate in 2022 through unanimous consent. Unfortunately, it was not voted on by the House, leaving its fate uncertain.

Interestingly, there are states that already observe permanent standard time. Hawaii and Arizona do not participate in daylight saving time, except for the Navajo Nation in northeastern Arizona. On the other hand, there are states that are eager to have daylight saving time year-round. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 19 states have passed bills or resolutions since 2018 in support of this, but their actions are contingent upon Congress making the necessary changes.

It's worth noting that federal law allows states to unilaterally switch to standard time, but they need the approval of Congress to adopt year-round daylight saving time. This adds another layer of complexity to the issue.

But why does it matter? Well, experts in the medical field, including the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, argue that standard time is more in sync with our bodies' natural clocks. They believe that daylight saving time should be replaced by permanent standard time for the sake of our sleep and overall health.

In fact, the time change itself can have a significant impact on our sleep and health. The "spring forward" in March has been linked to an increase in car accidents, heart attacks, and strokes. This serves as a reminder that our bodies are sensitive to these adjustments and that they can have real consequences.

So, while the twice-yearly clock changes may continue for the foreseeable future, it's important to consider the potential effects on our well-being. Perhaps it's time for a more comprehensive evaluation of daylight saving time and its impact on our lives.

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