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Vivek Ramaswamy - Giving Vladimir Putin a Deal

Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy wants to make a "deal" with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the war in Ukraine. Ramaswamy questions Ukraine's democracy and wants to end US aid to the country. He is currently fourth in the polls, behind Trump, DeSantis, and Haley.

Vivek Ramaswamy, a businessman and Republican candidate, has made a bold statement regarding the war in Ukraine. He expressed his willingness to make a "deal" with Russian President Vladimir Putin, despite being a prominent critic of the United States' involvement in the conflict. Ramaswamy also raised doubts about Ukraine's status as a democratic nation, pointing out that Russian-speaking regions occupied by Russia since 2014 have not had representation in the Ukrainian parliament for nearly a decade.

The regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, which are at the center of the dispute, have strong Russian-backed separatist movements that refer to themselves as "Peoples' Republics." However, it is important to note that these self-proclaimed states are not recognized internationally.

Ramaswamy, who is running as a pro-Donald Trump Republican, aims to bring a "fresh face" to the GOP and has made opposition to U.S. aid to Ukraine a central part of his campaign. This stance aligns with the growing sentiment among Republican voters. Both Ramaswamy and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis have pledged to immediately end military and economic assistance to Ukraine if elected. Furthermore, former President Trump has stated that he would resolve the conflict within 24 hours of assuming the presidency.

In a somewhat contradictory statement, Ramaswamy emphasized that he would not "give [Putin] anything" but rather offer him a deal. This deal would involve Putin exiting his military alliance with Xi Jinping, and in return, NATO would provide a firm commitment not to admit Ukraine as a member. Ramaswamy argued that the areas currently occupied by Russian forces are predominantly Russian-speaking regions and should be recognized as such.

This viewpoint contradicts international opinion, prompting interviewer Piers Morgan to question Ramaswamy's stance. Morgan expressed surprise and asked if Ramaswamy was willing to give an "evil dictator" land that he had acquired through violence and bloodshed. Ramaswamy responded by clarifying that he would not give Putin anything, but rather negotiate a deal.

Despite his lack of electoral experience, Ramaswamy has gained significant support since announcing his candidacy in February. His strong performance at the first Republican debate in August boosted his poll numbers to around 11%, although they have since dropped to approximately 6%. Currently, Ramaswamy ranks fourth in the polls, trailing behind Trump, Governor DeSantis, and former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley.

Ramaswamy has expressed his admiration for former President Trump and has even suggested that he would keep Trump as an advisor if he were to win the primary. Additionally, Ramaswamy has promised to pardon Trump if he were to face criminal convictions in any of his four indictments. He sees Trump as a valuable mentor and hopes to benefit from his guidance in his political career.

In conclusion, Vivek Ramaswamy's proposition to make a deal with Vladimir Putin over the war in Ukraine has sparked controversy and raised questions about Ukraine's democratic status. His candidacy as a pro-Trump Republican has gained traction, and he remains a strong critic of U.S. aid to Ukraine. While his stance may differ from international opinion, Ramaswamy continues to garner support and is positioning himself as a contender in the Republican primary.

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