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Daryl Morey on James Harden Relationship: Time Heals

Daryl Morey, president of basketball operations for the Philadelphia 76ers, has fulfilled James Harden's trade demand by sending him to the Los Angeles Clippers along with PJ Tucker. The Sixers received expiring contracts, draft capital, and players in return.

The Philadelphia 76ers have fulfilled James Harden's trade demand by sending him to the Los Angeles Clippers, along with his close friend PJ Tucker. The team's president of basketball operations, Daryl Morey, had publicly stated that their plan was to acquire expiring contracts and load up on draft capital. And now, less than two years after trading away prime assets for Harden, the Sixers have restocked their roster through a three-team trade with the Clippers and the Oklahoma City Thunder.

However, this trade didn't come without its challenges. Morey and Harden's partnership was strained, leading to a destroyed friendship as they finally went their separate ways. Despite this, Morey expressed excitement about the trade and its potential to improve the team going forward. The draft capital acquired in the trade was seen as crucial for the team's ability to continue improving and competing for a championship.

The Sixers received Robert Covington, Marcus Morris, KJ Martin, and Nic Batum from the Clippers in exchange for Harden, Tucker, and Filip Petrušev. They also acquired an unprotected 2028 first-round pick from the Clippers and a 2026 first-rounder from the Thunder. In addition, the Sixers gained the right to swap 2029 first-round picks with the Clippers, along with two second-round picks and cash considerations.

While the haul in this trade is significant for the Sixers, it's important to note that it was a result of Harden's trade request to the Clippers. The disgruntled point guard had called Morey a "liar" and refused to play for him. Despite the strained relationship, Morey believes that time will heal their differences and that Harden will excel with the Clippers.

There was some controversy surrounding the trade, as it was reported that Morey did not initially want the package offered by the Clippers. The Sixers' ownership group reportedly pushed for the deal to be made, ultimately making the trade on Morey's behalf. Morey acknowledged that ownership is involved in trades on every team and stated that they were kept informed throughout the process.

The new additions to the Sixers, Covington, Morris, Batum, and Martin, arrived in Philadelphia early in the morning and underwent physicals before meeting the team. They were given film to study and watched practice before speaking to the media. Coach Nick Nurse mentioned that they would start integrating the new players into the team's sets and systems, with a chance of them seeing action in the upcoming games.

In conclusion, the Sixers have successfully addressed James Harden's trade demand and restocked their roster through a three-team trade. While the trade was not without its challenges and controversies, the team is optimistic about the future and believes that the new additions will contribute to their championship aspirations.

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