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Louisville Football: Analyzing the Best and Worst Scenarios

Louisville football has a chance for a special season, but also faces the possibility of disappointment. The best-case scenario is winning out and competing for the conference championship, while the worst-case scenario is finishing 7-5. The game against Duke will be telling.

Louisville football is currently in a unique position as they enter week nine of the season. They find themselves in second place in the ACC and have a clear path to the conference championship game. This is unfamiliar territory for the Cards, as in 2016 they tied for the division lead but were unable to play in the championship game and only won 9 games that season, despite having one of the best quarterbacks in college football history and a remarkable Heisman season.

Considering the recent history of the program, there is a chance for Louisville to have an exceptional season. It has been a decade since they had a season with double-digit wins and their last conference championship victory was in 2012. However, there is also the possibility of another disappointing season like 2016, where the team starts strong but finishes with disappointing losses against beatable opponents.

The best-case scenario for Louisville football may seem obvious: winning out, making it to the playoffs, and ultimately winning the national championship. However, being realistic, it is unlikely that the Cards will go undefeated. Nevertheless, their schedule sets them up for a potentially "special" season with double-digit wins and a shot at the conference championship.

If Louisville beats Duke this weekend, history suggests that they may lose to Virginia Tech. Even with that loss, the Cards still have a chance to finish the regular season with a 10-2 record and contend for the conference championship. This would be their best season since joining the ACC and would include a victory over their rival, Kentucky. Realistically, this would be an incredible season for Louisville football under Jeff Brohm's leadership.

But what if the rest of the season goes in the opposite direction? It is fair to argue that Louisville lost to one of the weakest teams in the ACC, Pitt. Looking at the remaining schedule, it is difficult to find guaranteed wins, with Virginia being the only one that stands out. Is it possible for Louisville to lose all their remaining games?

It is highly unlikely that Louisville will lose all their remaining games. However, the loss to Pitt raises concerns about the team's performance. Pitt is not a strong team, and Louisville's upcoming schedule looks much more challenging than it did a few weeks ago. They face a much-improved Virginia Tech, a Virginia team that just defeated North Carolina, a dangerous Miami team, and finally, their rival Kentucky.

In the worst-case scenario, Louisville football could end the season with a 7-5 record, with their only remaining win against a struggling Virginia team. While this outcome is unlikely, it is important to note that a month ago, Louisville had three opponents left on their schedule with a combined two wins. They lost to one of those teams, and now the Hokies and Cavs have a total of six wins between them.

Regardless of the outcome, this is an incredibly interesting time for Louisville football. Jeff Brohm has the potential to achieve a result that hasn't been seen since Charlie Strong's tenure, or he could continue the average finishes that fans have become accustomed to since joining the ACC. The upcoming game against Duke will provide some insight into which direction the season is headed.

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