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Cal football: Bears lose to 24th-ranked USC in heartbreaker

Cal's last scheduled football game against USC was filled with delays, mishaps, and a close victory for USC.

The last scheduled football game between the University of California, Berkeley (Cal) and the University of Southern California (USC) was anything but ordinary. The game was delayed due to a midfield protest at Memorial Stadium, and an unusual ruling led to the final play of the second quarter happening after halftime. The game ended with a close victory for USC, with Cal failing on a pass attempt for a two-point conversion in the final minute.

Throughout the game, the lead went back and forth between the two teams. At halftime, Cal led 27-18, and they extended their lead to 43-29 early in the fourth quarter. However, a series of mishaps allowed USC to score three unanswered touchdowns in the final 11:15 of the game, securing their victory. The game took place in front of a crowd of 43,716 spectators.

This game marked the 110th meeting between Cal and USC, and it may be their last as in-state rivals. The Pac-12 Conference, which they are both a part of, is largely dissolving, leading to their separation next fall.

Jaydn Ott had an impressive performance for Cal, scoring three touchdowns in the first half and rushing for 153 yards. However, Ott left the game early in the fourth quarter, and Cal seemed to lose their momentum. USC took advantage of four turnovers by Cal to make a comeback.

USC, ranked 24th, fought back from a 14-point deficit with three crucial touchdowns in the final minutes of the game. They scored a 1-yard quarterback sneak, a 9-yard touchdown run, and a 7-yard touchdown run to take a 50-43 lead. However, Cal managed to score a touchdown with 58 seconds left, bringing them within one point. They decided to go for a two-point conversion and the win, but their pass attempt was incomplete.

Both quarterbacks had notable performances in the game. Mendoza, in his third career start, threw for 292 yards with two touchdowns and one interception. Williams, the USC quarterback, threw for 369 yards with two touchdowns and no interceptions.

The game was not without its share of unusual events. Before the game even started, it was delayed by about 10 minutes due to a protest at midfield. The protesters were eventually removed without incident. Cal also experienced a delay at the end of the second quarter when officials ruled that there was still one second left on the clock. The Trojans were given another play, but they missed a field goal.

Despite the wild nature of the game, USC managed to come out on top with a one-point victory. Cal put up a strong fight, but ultimately fell short.

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