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"Watch Aaron Gordon's Illegal Lob Over LeBron James, Throwing It Down - Exclusive Footage!"

Denver Nuggets forward Aaron Gordon impresses NBA fans with great plays in their opening game against the Los Angeles Lakers.

In the exciting and highly anticipated start of the NBA season, Denver Nuggets forward Aaron Gordon has already showcased his remarkable skills and athleticism. Despite it being early in the season, Gordon has left NBA fans in awe with his exceptional performance in their opening game against the Los Angeles Lakers at home on Tuesday.

One particular play that stood out was during the third period when Gordon received an alley-oop pass from point guard Jamal Murray and executed a jaw-dropping dunk over LeBron James. What made it even more impressive was the fact that Gordon seemed to hang on to the rim before unleashing his powerful slam. Although there was some debate about whether it should be counted as a basket, the referees ultimately ruled in Gordon's favor.

The Nuggets kicked off their 2023-24 NBA campaign with a ring ceremony to celebrate their championship victory from the previous season. Aaron Gordon played a crucial role in their successful run, averaging 16.3 points, 6.6 rebounds, and three assists during the regular season. He elevated his game even further in the playoffs, providing invaluable support to Denver's superstar Nikola Jokic and point guard Jamal Murray, ultimately helping the Nuggets secure their first-ever NBA title.

As the Nuggets aim to defend their championship title, Aaron Gordon will undoubtedly be a key contributor on both ends of the court. This will be his fourth season with the team, and his experience and consistency will be vital in their pursuit of another championship.

Following their hard-earned championship triumph last season, Aaron Gordon took some well-deserved time off to relax and explore different parts of the world. He embarked on a trip to Serbia, joining his teammate Nikola Jokic in his native country. During their time there, they shared a common interest in horse racing, attending races and immersing themselves in the excitement of the sport.

After Serbia, Gordon continued his journey to China as part of his promotional tour for the sports brand he represents. He passionately shared his love for basketball, captivating the crowd with his impressive ballhandling skills, breathtaking dunks, and even engaging in one-on-one streetball games with enthusiastic fans.

The previous season was a breakthrough for the 28-year-old forward, as he fully showcased his potential with the Nuggets. Now, in the new NBA season, Gordon is determined to build upon his success and contribute even more to his team. However, with their championship victory, the Nuggets have become the target for the rest of the league, making their journey to repeat as champions even more challenging.

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