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Victor Wembayama Debut, Prop Odds: Spurs vs. Mavericks Prediction

Victor Wembanyama, a 7-foot-4 Frenchman, is set to make his NBA debut with the San Antonio Spurs. Known for his shot-blocking abilities, he will face off against Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving. Sportsbooks predict his blocks line will shift to 3.5 as the season progresses.

Victor Wembanyama, the 7-foot-4 French basketball player, is set to make his NBA debut on Wednesday. His remarkable height and guard-like offensive skills make him a force to be reckoned with on both ends of the court. While he may need to add some bulk to his frame, his immediate impact will be felt as a shot-altering presence near the rim. Additionally, his agility allows him to hold his own when defending perimeter players.

Last season, Wembanyama averaged an impressive 3.2 blocks per game while playing for Boulogne-Levallois Metropolitans 92 in France's Pro A League. He has carried this level of performance into the preseason, recording multiple games with at least three blocks, even in limited playing time.

For his NBA debut, Wembanyama and the San Antonio Spurs will face off against the Dallas Mavericks. This means he will be matched up against the likes of Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving, both known for their ability to penetrate the lane and leave defenders helpless. While it may not be ideal for Wembanyama to guard them, he can still disrupt their perimeter shots and have ample opportunities to block their field goal attempts.

As the season progresses, it is highly likely that Wembanyama's average blocks per game will increase. Some sportsbooks have already adjusted their odds to reflect this, with Caesars moving the line to 2.5 blocks at -123. However, Bet365 has not made significant changes to the line yet. Therefore, taking advantage of the current favorable odds at 2.5 blocks is a wise decision.

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