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Tom Izzo's Honest Opinion on Jeremy Fears Jr.: An Insight into Michigan State's Freshman Point Guard

Michigan State basketball coach Tom Izzo has high praise for freshman guard Jeremy Fears Jr., comparing him to former player Mateen Cleaves.

Tom Izzo has a lot of praise for Jeremy Fears Jr., and it's evident every time he talks about him. Izzo sees a lot of potential in Fears, from his toughness to his leadership qualities. What stands out to Izzo is Fears' ability to handle criticism and not be babied. Fears has a high basketball IQ and plays with intensity, which makes Izzo confident in his abilities. Playing point guard for Izzo requires being able to take criticism and give it back when necessary.

Fears himself acknowledges that he hasn't earned the respect yet, but he's eager to learn from Izzo and listen to his guidance. Michigan State fans have been excited about Fears since he showed interest in the Spartans as a highly rated recruit. Izzo's high praise for him raises questions about how quickly he'll make an impact and what his future potential could be. Despite his size, Fears' athleticism allows him to play above the rim and make up for any height disadvantages.

Fears' arrival at Michigan State comes with some interesting dynamics. The roster he signed up for last November has changed, with all of the guards returning for his freshman season. This means Fears will have to compete for playing time and starting positions. However, Izzo believes that this competition will only benefit Fears in the long run. Fears himself recognizes the value of practicing and competing against more experienced players, as it allows him to learn from them and improve his game.

Fears' presence on the team has also had an impact on the veterans. He pushes his teammates to be the best they can be and has a strong desire to win. Fears' experience with USA Basketball has taught him how to handle being a bench player and use it to his advantage. While his role on the team is still uncertain, Izzo has made it clear that Fears will see playing time because he has that special quality that not many players possess.

Izzo often compares Fears to Mateen Cleaves, who had a successful career at Michigan State. Fears admits that he didn't know much about Cleaves until Izzo made the comparison, but he has since done his research and hopes to match Cleaves' success. In his first year, Fears is expected to play a similar role to Jason Richardson, providing a spark off the bench for a talented team before taking on a larger role in his sophomore year.

Fears' place on the team allows Izzo to speak highly of him without putting too much pressure on him to perform right away. Izzo believes that Fears has the potential to be a great player at Michigan State. With his talent, work ethic, and the guidance of Izzo, Fears has a bright future ahead of him.

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