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Ole Miss football dominates Auburn in a comeback victory: Lane Kiffin outshines Hugh Freeze

Ole Miss football overcame mistakes to secure a 28-21 victory against Auburn, with Jaxson Dart leading the way with three total touchdowns.

The Ole Miss football team faced a tough challenge against Auburn at Jordan-Hare Stadium. For a large portion of the game, they struggled to score and made mistakes that gave Auburn an advantage. However, in the third quarter, the Rebels turned the tide. Quarterback Jaxson Dart led an impressive drive that ended with a rushing touchdown, giving Ole Miss a seven-point lead. They held onto that lead for the rest of the game, securing a 28-21 victory.

This win was particularly significant for coach Lane Kiffin, as it marked his second victory over former Ole Miss coach Hugh Freeze. Freeze recently joined Auburn as their coach this season. Dart's performance was not flawless, but he did enough to contribute to the team's success. He completed 10-of-17 passes for 202 yards and accounted for three total touchdowns. The Rebels also had a strong ground game, with Quinshon Judkins leading the way with 124 rushing yards, including a touchdown.

Defensively, the Rebels were impressive, especially in the second half. They nearly shut out Auburn, only allowing a touchdown in the final minute of the game. They contained Auburn's running game and limited their passing attack. Auburn attempted 16 passes, two of which were intercepted, and they only managed 114 passing yards.

The first half was a different story for Ole Miss, as mistakes prevented them from capitalizing on their yardage advantage. Auburn's Jarquez Hunter broke a 53-yard touchdown run, injecting some excitement into their offense. Dart also threw an interception, setting up another Auburn touchdown. The Rebels' special teams unit struggled throughout the game, missing a field goal and making errors on punt returns.

Despite these setbacks, Ole Miss never trailed in the first half, thanks to a touchdown reception by Zakhari Franklin and a rushing touchdown by Dart. However, they couldn't establish a firm grip on the game until later.

There were concerns about the availability of Jordan Watkins, who had injured his hand during the previous week. He played sparingly, wearing a heavy tape job on his hand and not catching any passes. He also gave up punt-returning duties to Dayton Wade.

In conclusion, Ole Miss overcame a sluggish start to defeat Auburn and secure a crucial victory. They showcased their offensive and defensive abilities, with Dart leading the way and the defense containing Auburn's attack. Mistakes and special teams errors hindered their progress in the first half, but they were able to overcome them and come out on top. This win is a testament to the team's resilience and determination.

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