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All Blacks coach Ian Foster relishes shot at Rugby World Cup final

All Blacks coach Ian Foster praises team's composure in dominating Argentina, securing spot in Rugby World Cup final.

In a moment of sheer delight, All Blacks coach Ian Foster expressed his admiration for his team's composure following their dominant victory over Argentina, securing them a spot in the Rugby World Cup final against either South Africa or England. Foster had faced immense pressure after the All Blacks' initial loss to France in the tournament's opening game. However, the team has displayed remarkable improvement since then, positioning themselves favorably to potentially claim their fourth Rugby World Cup crown.

Reflecting on the game, Foster emphasized the significance of maintaining composure under pressure. Despite facing challenging moments during the match, the All Blacks remained composed and executed their game plan with clinical precision. Foster acknowledged that while they aimed for a better start, they encountered pressure and struggled with their exits. Nevertheless, the team's ability to remain calm and composed amidst adversity has been a notable development.

Foster expressed his satisfaction with the team's newfound ability to avoid panic when faced with unfavorable circumstances. In the past, the All Blacks may have experienced moments of anxiety, but they have now embraced composure and patiently awaited opportunities to strike. Foster highlighted the final moments before halftime as a prime example of their composed approach, as those minutes played a crucial role in the game's outcome.

With only one game remaining in his tenure, Foster stands on the precipice of departing as an All Blacks coach who has secured a Rugby World Cup victory. This potential achievement would mark a remarkable turnaround for Foster, who faced the possibility of losing his job last year. Despite the magnitude of the upcoming final, Foster appeared relaxed and expressed his enjoyment of this stage of the tournament. He acknowledged the challenges of the pool play phase and the hard work involved in building the team's performance. However, having successfully navigated the last two playoff games, the All Blacks enter the final with confidence and a sense of celebration.

Captain Sam Cane commended the performance of the forward pack, particularly their dominance in the scrum and maul. Their strength in these areas placed immense pressure on the Argentinians, who fought valiantly but ultimately succumbed to the All Blacks' relentless pursuit of points. Cane highlighted the team's ability to continuously pile on points throughout the game, demonstrating their resilience and determination.

As the All Blacks prepare for the final, they find themselves in an ideal position. Cane expressed their satisfaction with their current standing, emphasizing that they are exactly where they want to be. However, he acknowledged the need for further improvement regardless of the opponent they face in the final. The team understands the importance of staying focused and celebrating the present moment, recognizing that they are in a favorable position to pursue victory.

In conclusion, the All Blacks' impressive performance against Argentina showcased their composure, clinical execution, and dominance in key aspects of the game. Coach Ian Foster and Captain Sam Cane expressed their satisfaction with the team's progress and their confidence leading into the final. With their eyes set on claiming the Rugby World Cup, the All Blacks aim to build upon their success and further elevate their performance in the ultimate test of their abilities.

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