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"Is Carl Lawson Still Part of Gang Green's Defensive Plans? Significance of Carl Lawson's $45 million Deal with New York Jets in 2021"

"Is Carl Lawson's future with the New York Jets in jeopardy? Reduced role and trade rumors circulate amidst injury and pay cut."

The New York Jets made a bold move in 2021 by signing Carl Lawson to a lucrative contract. However, his season came to a devastating halt when he suffered a torn Achilles tendon in training camp, forcing him to sit out the entire year. Now, as the Jets look ahead to the upcoming season, there are doubts about Lawson's future with the team.

In an effort to mitigate the financial impact of Lawson's injury, the Jets approached him with a pay cut. Surprisingly, Lawson agreed to the reduced salary, indicating his willingness to work with the team. However, this decision also raises questions about his role moving forward.

One factor that suggests a potential change in Lawson's standing within the team is the Jets' recent focus on drafting young defensive ends. In the first round of this year's draft, the Jets selected DE Will McDonald IV, adding to their already promising defensive line. Additionally, last year's draft saw the acquisition of DE/OLB Jermaine Johnson, who has shown impressive progress in the offseason program.

The emergence of these young talents has led to speculation that Lawson may now be viewed as an insurance policy rather than a cornerstone of the defense. With his limited playing time last season and the financial burden of his contract, it comes as no surprise that the Jets are reportedly open to trading him.

However, trading Lawson may not be a straightforward task. Given his high salary, the Jets may need to absorb a portion of it in order to facilitate a move. This could potentially complicate trade negotiations and limit the number of suitors for Lawson's services.

Ultimately, the question remains: Is Carl Lawson still part of Gang Green's defensive plans? The answer is uncertain. While his injury and subsequent pay cut have undoubtedly impacted his standing within the team, it is important to remember that Lawson is a talented player with a proven track record. His return to full health and a strong showing in training camp could potentially change the narrative and solidify his place in the Jets' plans.

In the unpredictable world of professional football, nothing is set in stone. The Jets must carefully weigh their options and consider the long-term implications of keeping or trading Lawson. Only time will tell what the future holds for this talented defensive end.

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