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'Giants Alyssa Nakken, First Woman to Interview for MLB Manager Position'

San Francisco Giants assistant coach Alyssa Nakken becomes the first woman to interview for a major league managerial position.

In a groundbreaking move, Alyssa Nakken, the assistant coach for the San Francisco Giants, has become the first woman to interview for a major league managerial position. This comes more than three years after she made history as the first woman on a Major League Baseball coaching staff and 18 months after she became the first woman to coach on the field during an MLB game. Giants president of baseball operations, Farhan Zaidi, confirmed that Nakken had a first-round interview last week as the team seeks a replacement for fired manager Gabe Kapler. It's worth noting that Nakken is also expecting her first child, a girl, in February.

Nakken's journey to this point has been remarkable. A former standout softball player at Sacramento State, she joined the Giants in 2014 as an intern in baseball operations. Six years later, she was named an assistant coach by Kapler. At the time of her appointment, Kapler emphasized Nakken's role in fostering a clubhouse culture that promotes high performance through collaboration and teamwork. Her impact has been felt both on and off the field.

On April 13, 2022, Nakken made history once again. When first-base coach Antoan Richardson was ejected during the third inning of a game against the San Diego Padres, Nakken stepped in to take his place on the field. This was not her first time coaching first base, as she had previously done so during some spring training games. Nakken's helmet from that game was even sent to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y., to be displayed permanently.

However, Nakken's journey has not been without its critics. Former San Francisco player Aubrey Huff took to social media to express his objection to Nakken receiving an interview for the managerial position. He criticized the decision, arguing that there are thousands of qualified men with decades of experience in MLB who should be considered instead. Huff's comments have sparked controversy and drawn attention to the ongoing discussions surrounding gender equality in baseball.

As Nakken continues to break barriers and make history, her interview for the managerial position represents a significant step forward for women in baseball. It challenges the traditional norms and opens up new possibilities for female coaches and leaders in the sport. While the outcome of the interview remains to be seen, Nakken's achievements and impact on the game cannot be denied. She is a trailblazer and an inspiration for future generations of women in baseball.

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