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Jada Pinkett-Smith Reveals Tupac Shakur Allegedly Suffered With Alopecia: I Don't Think Tupac Ever Talked About The Alopecia He Suffered From

Jada Pinkett-Smith reveals that Tupac Shakur battled alopecia, a condition causing hair loss, and hopes to raise awareness.

In a revealing interview with PEOPLE, Jada Pinkett-Smith opens up about her late friend Tupac Shakur and sheds light on his battle with alopecia, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss. Pinkett-Smith, who herself has been vocal about her own alopecia diagnosis, shares that Shakur experienced similar symptoms, which she believes began after his arrest for jaywalking in California in 1991.

While Shakur never publicly discussed his alopecia, Pinkett-Smith believes that societal pressures during that time prevented him from doing so. She acknowledges that Shakur still looked good with a bald head, but the topic of hair loss was simply not one that was openly discussed during that era.

Despite the silence surrounding their experiences, Pinkett-Smith hopes that by speaking out about her own alopecia and sharing Shakur's story, it will contribute to a greater awareness and understanding of the condition. She emphasizes the importance of breaking the stigma and shame associated with alopecia, and hopes that more conversations will be had to foster a sense of freedom and acceptance.

By sharing these personal stories, Pinkett-Smith aims to create a space where individuals affected by alopecia can feel empowered to speak up and seek support. She believes that through open dialogue, we can help remove the barriers that prevent people from embracing their true selves and living without shame.

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