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"What was Inna Vernikov's role and accomplishment?"

NYC Councilwoman Inna Vernikov arrested for openly carrying a firearm at a pro-Palestinian rally, sparking calls for her dismissal.

Inna Vernikov, a 37-year-old NYC Councilwoman and Jewish Ukrainian native, made headlines when she was arrested on Friday, October 13, for carrying a firearm at a pro-Palestinian rally. The incident occurred during the pro-Palestine protests held at CUNY's Brooklyn College on Thursday afternoon.

According to the New York Post, a police source revealed that Vernikov, a Republican lawyer who had previously opposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates, was captured on camera with a firearm visible in the front portion of her pants. Openly carrying a weapon is not allowed in New York City, leading to her arrest.

Vernikov turned herself in on Friday and surrendered both her gun and firearm permit. She was given a desk appearance ticket for criminal possession of a firearm. It is worth noting that just a month prior, Vernikov had declared herself a licensed gun owner on Instagram.

Following her arrest, the hashtag "ExpelVernikov" started trending on social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter). Users shared photos of Vernikov with her weapon, and organizations like Jews for Racial & Economic Justice accused her of intimidating students at the pro-Palestine rally.

New York City Council Speaker Adrienne E. Adams responded to the incident by condemning Vernikov's behavior and stating that the Council was investigating the impact of her actions as a public official. Adams emphasized that it is both unacceptable and unlawful for a civilian, especially an elected official, to bring a firearm to a rally or protest.

Vernikov has yet to respond to her arrest, but she did share a video of herself speaking at the rally on the campus of CUNY's Brooklyn College. In her post, she criticized those who support Hamas and advocate for violence against innocent people.

Inna Vernikov, a Ukrainian-born American lawyer and politician, is known for her strong support of Israel. Before being elected to represent the 48th District in 2021, she founded an immigration and matrimonial law practice. Vernikov's campaign focused on restoring funding to the New York Police Department and promoting merit-based education and school choice.

Raised in Chernovitz under Soviet rule, Vernikov immigrated to New York in 1996 at the age of 12. She now represents southern Brooklyn neighborhoods, which have a significant population of Jewish Ukrainian immigrants.

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