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Troye Sivan shares touching story about acceptance from Ian McKellen

Troye Sivan shares a touching story about how Ian McKellen's encouraging words when he was a teenager stuck with him.

In a recent interview with Larry King, young actor Troye Sivan shared a touching story about how Sir Ian McKellen's encouraging words had a lasting impact on him. Sivan, a 28-year-old Australian singer and actor, recalled his experience working with McKellen when he was just 15 years old.

During the interview, Sivan was asked about the best piece of advice he had ever received. Reflecting on his time working with McKellen in the stage play "Waiting for Godot," Sivan revealed that he believed McKellen knew he was gay, even though he hadn't come out at the time. Sivan recounted how McKellen shook his hand and told him to "keep going, you'll be fine." Although Sivan wasn't sure if McKellen was referring to acting or something more personal, those words stayed with him throughout the years.

The clip of Sivan sharing this anecdote caught McKellen's attention, prompting him to repost it and share his own recollection. McKellen confirmed that he remembered Sivan from their time working together and wondered if he had recognized the closeted teenager's sexuality. He also revealed that three of the four adult British actors in the production, as well as the director and designer, were also gay, creating a sense of belonging for Sivan.

McKellen, who came out as gay in 1988 when it was less acceptable to do so, shared his thoughts on the importance of being open about one's sexuality. He discussed how his life changed for the better after coming out and how it affected his relationships and attitude toward acting.

Sivan, on the other hand, publicly came out as gay in 2013 through a YouTube video. In the video, he expressed that he was not ashamed of his sexuality and believed that no one should be. He emphasized the importance of sharing his truth with his fans and the world.

This heartwarming exchange between Sivan and McKellen serves as a reminder of the impact our words and actions can have on others. It highlights the significance of support and encouragement, especially for young individuals who may be struggling with their identity. Both Sivan and McKellen have used their platforms to promote acceptance and inclusivity, inviting others to embrace their authentic selves.

In conclusion, the story of Troye Sivan and Sir Ian McKellen showcases the power of a few encouraging words and the lasting impact they can have. It reminds us to be mindful of how our actions and words can affect others, and to always strive for acceptance and inclusivity.

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