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Israel calls for Gaza City evacuation, heightened security anticipated on global Jihad Day

Israel has called on civilians in Gaza City to evacuate as it plans to conduct a complete siege of Gaza.

Israel has issued a warning for civilians in Gaza City to evacuate, as the country continues its siege of the area in retaliation for the deadliest attack on Israeli civilians in history. The Hamas movement, which rules the Gaza Strip, has responded by calling for a Global Day of Mobilization, or "Jihad Day," raising security concerns worldwide. In response to these concerns, local law enforcement, such as the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office (PBSO) in Florida, has increased patrols around places of worship to ensure the safety and security of the community. Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, who leads the PBSO, emphasized the agency's role in Homeland Security and its access to intelligence information, allowing for better safety measures during times of conflict. Other law enforcement agencies, such as the Indian River County Sheriff's Office, have also increased security around synagogues in response to the ongoing conflict. Residents are urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity.

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