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"Necessary for Us to Improve": Georgia Tech Football Coach Demotes Defensive Coordinator

Georgia Tech coach Brent Key made changes to the defensive staff after a loss to Bowling Green, promoting Kevin Sherrer to defensive coordinator.

In a surprising move, Georgia Tech coach Brent Key has made changes to his defensive staff following a disappointing loss to underdog Bowling Green. The Yellow Jackets gave up 38 unanswered points in a 38-27 defeat, prompting Key to take action.

One significant change is the removal of Andrew Thacker as the team's defensive coordinator. Thacker, who had held the position since 2019, will now be coaching safeties. In his place, Kevin Sherrer has been promoted to the role of defensive coordinator.

Key expressed his responsibility for the team's poor performance, stating, "it's on me to make changes to get this thing fixed." He described the loss as an "embarrassing display of football" and "as epic of a failure as you can possibly have." The Yellow Jackets were heavily favored to win by 22 1/2 points.

Georgia Tech's defense has not met the standard expected of them this season, prompting the need for a new voice and perspective in the coordinator role. Key believes that this change is necessary for the team to improve. He emphasized that while the responsibility falls on him as the head coach, a new coordinator will bring the fresh ideas and strategies needed for success.

Currently, the Yellow Jackets have a record of 2-2 in Key's first full season as coach. He previously served as interim coach in 2022, where he achieved a 4-4 record. The team now faces a tough challenge as they play against No. 17 Miami on Saturday.

Sherrer, who joined Key's staff as co-defensive coordinator this year, brings a wealth of experience to the role. He previously served as the linebackers coach for the New York Giants. Key expressed confidence in Sherrer's ability to lead the defense and achieve the improvement that is expected and demanded.

Overall, this shake-up in the defensive staff demonstrates Georgia Tech's commitment to addressing their performance issues. With a new defensive coordinator and fresh perspectives, the team hopes to turn their season around and meet the high standards set by the program.

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