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UCLA Football Regroups During Bye Week After Pac-12 Opener Loss

UCLA football team reflects on their recent loss and focuses on recruiting during their bye week.

UCLA has utilized its bye week to its advantage, taking the opportunity to address various issues that arise when building a college football program. The players have taken time to reflect on their recent loss to Utah and have begun preparing for their upcoming game against Washington State. Meanwhile, the coaching staff has been busy on the recruiting trail.

Coach Chip Kelly acknowledged that the loss to Utah was due to factors such as a lack of execution and miscommunication, as well as the talent of the Utes' defense. Despite facing a formidable opponent, Kelly believes there were opportunities for the Bruins to make plays that were not capitalized on.

While UCLA is known for its offensive prowess, they struggled to produce against Utah's strong defense. The running backs, TJ Harden and Carson Steele, combined for only 68 rushing yards, and the team finished with a mere nine total rushing yards after accounting for the sacks on quarterback Dante Moore. Kelly attributes these struggles to issues of execution and technique, as well as communication problems that need to be addressed.

One area of focus for the Bruins is the offensive line, which has seen a rotation of players. Kelly acknowledges that some miscommunication may stem from this rotation but believes it would be an "excuse" to solely blame it for the issues. Left tackle, in particular, has featured a rotation between Bruno Fina and Khadere Kounta, with both players deserving of playing time.

In addition to addressing current issues, the coaching staff has also been evaluating future depth through recruiting. The coaches have been on the road visiting high schools and scouting potential recruits. One notable visit was made by inside linebacker coach Ken Norton Jr., who checked in on linebacker Weston Port at San Juan Hills High. Port has received numerous scholarship offers from top programs and is a highly sought-after prospect.

UCLA has also established a connection with San Juan Hills High, with wide receiver Braden Pegan already on the team's roster. Another player from the school, Sean Rhyan, was a standout offensive lineman and was drafted by the Green Bay Packers in the 2022 NFL Draft.

Overall, UCLA is taking advantage of its bye week to address the issues that have arisen in their football program. The players are reflecting on their recent loss and preparing for the next game, while the coaching staff is actively recruiting and evaluating potential recruits. By addressing these issues head-on, UCLA aims to improve and find success in their upcoming games.

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