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George Monastiriakos: Israel vs Hamas - No Moral Equivalence

Controversial MP expresses anxiety over Middle East events; Taliban supports Hamas; Israel ready to inflict damage; two-state solution dead.

In a tweet that has since been deleted, Omar Algabhra, a controversial Liberal Member of Parliament, expressed his anxiety over the events unfolding in the Middle East. However, he failed to mention Israel by name, a free, prosperous, and democratic state.

Interestingly, even the Taliban joined the conversation, revealing that they had sought permission from Iran, Iraq, and Jordan to pass through their territories in their quest to "liberate" the Holy Land. This demonstrates the diverse range of actors involved in the ongoing conflicts in the region.

While Hamas may have dealt a blow to Jerusalem on October 7, it is important to recognize that Israel possesses the political will, economic strength, and military power to inflict severe damage on the terrorist group. Israel will not hold back, as it has consistently done since 2006. Precision air strikes and limited ground incursions into Gaza will not be the extent of their response. Israel understands that showing weakness against its enemies would be detrimental to its survival.

It is worth considering that Hamas is fortunate that their cowardly act of terrorism was carried out against Israel, a free and democratic nation. In a less law-abiding and freedom-loving country like Syria, the response would have been far more brutal. The dictator of Damascus would have likely resorted to carpet-bombing Gaza, displacing millions of Palestinians who would have sought refuge in Egypt's Sinai Desert. In such a scenario, there would be no warnings or opportunities for civilians to escape.

It may take time for the rest of the world to fully grasp the gravity of the situation, but the events of October 7 have likely extinguished any remaining hope for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This hope was murdered by Hamas and other Iranian-sponsored terrorist groups operating in Gaza. To truly understand the situation, one only needs to turn on the television and witness the reality unfolding before their eyes.

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